Thursday, April 23, 2020

SEM IV (PLS HONS) Marxian Political Thought- MCQ

Political Science Core—4th Sem MCQ
Paper—Marxian Political Thought
1. The Wages, Labour and Capital' was written by:
A. Hegel B. Engles C. Stalin D. Karl Marx                               Answer: D

2. Communist Manifesto was authored by:
 A. Stalin B. Karl Marx C. Laski D. George Bernard Shah        Answer: B

3. Which one of the following is not true about Marxian Socialism?
A. Capital is a theft B. State will wither away C. State promotes interests of all D. State sides with the rich and not the poor                                                                              Answer: C

4. According to Karl Marx the present state will:
A. Continue for long B. Will wither away C. Deliver goods with the passage of time D. Slowly benefit the workers                                                                                         Answer: B

5. Marx believed that in the present capitalist system of society:
A. The number of workers will come down B. Middle class will become powerful C. Ranks of middle class will swallow D. Middle class will form the rank of the workers       Answer: D

6. According to Karl Marx workers:
A. Had no mother land B. Have a motherland to which they must stick C. Should confine their activities to their country D. Should give maximum cooperation to the state          Answer: A

7. Dialectical materialism of Marx believes that:
A. Social phenomena is applicable to political life B. Social phenomena has nothing to do with political life C. Social phenomena is antithesis of political life D. Political Life and social phenomena can't go hand in hand                                                                                                Answer: D

8. According to Marxian philosophy dialect:
 A. It result of actions and reactions B. No actions and reactions but matter C. Means that action and reaction must be in the same direction D. None of the above                  Answer: A

9. According to Karl Marx societies have all along been divided between:
 A. The rich and the poor B. The educated and the elite C. The religious and the educated people D. The rich and the religious people                                                                      Answer: A

10. According to Marxian theory revolutions come in the society because:
A. The capitalists so desire B. The religious people manipulate that C. Continuous class struggle is going on D. Educated masses get dissatisfied                                                    Answer: C

11. According to Marx value of the commodity would be fixed in accordance with:
 A. Capital vested in it B. Machinery used for production C. The extent of its dependence on the foreign market D. The socially useful labour put in it                                          Answer: D

 12. Karl Marx believed that social change can be brought about by:
A. Evolutionary means only B. Revolutionary means only C. By spread of education only D. With the help of both evolutionary and revolutionary methods                               Answer: D

13. Marx borrowed from Hegel:

A. Materialistic philosophy B. The labour theory of value C. The ideal of stateless society D. Dialectical method                                                                                                 Answer: D